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- T o t a l R e c a l l Q a n d A
- Question: This program isn't like most LOADSTAR programs. How come?
- Answer: I've developed my own style which, once you get used to it, makes
- perfect sense. Whatever you need to do next is prompted for; you don't use
- big menus. Give it a try.
- Question: Should I copy TotalRecall to another disk?
- Answer: Yes. If you plan to use BatchMaker and MenuMaker, copy them to the
- disk, too. LOADSTAR 128's Copy It feature will copy the necessary files,
- but in general, you need all of the files associated with the TotalRecall
- system except the "t." files. Those you should print out for reference.
- Question: Do I have to use BatchMaker to create these files?
- Answer: No. BatchMaker attempts to remove the thinking from the file
- creation process. If you are comfortable with word processing, instead of
- using BatchMaker you can use any SEQuential file editor or word processor
- that will dump files to disk in a SEQuential format. You should set left
- margins to 0, top and bottom margins to 0. You should convert colons to
- chr$(219) and commas to chr$(221). I use THE WRITE STUFF, and this is very
- easily done using redefinable characters. BatchMaker does this
- automatically. An advantage of using a word processor is that you can
- include the "file" option in daily or info files. It is probably also
- faster once you know how to do it. I do all of mine with a word processor.
- Question: What about "edstar.seq"?
- Answer: "eds.seq", on Side One, is a line editor that runs in the C-64
- mode, 40 columns. Use it if you don't have a word processor like THE WRITE
- STUFF. It won't allow you to enter the codes you need for colons and
- commas, so your only recourse is to not use colons or commas on your
- calendar. To use "edstar.seq", load and run it, then at the "filename"
- prompt, enter any garbage sequence and press RETURN. The drive will blink,
- but don't worry. You can turn the drive off and on if you want the blinking
- to stop. Then enter your file data and press CTRL-S when ready to save.
- Enter the filename and press RETURN.
- Question: Am I limited to 8 lines of text in a calendar block?
- Answer: This is a function of your printer really. If you have a wide
- carriage printer, you can get up to 18 lines in a block. If you have an 80
- column printer, 8 lines is the smallest block. They may get a little
- larger, depending on how many days are in the month, and what day the month
- starts and ends on. There are 28 blocks in February 1998, because it is 28
- days long, and starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday. February of 1992 has
- 35 blocks, because it starts on Saturday and ends on Saturday. It thus
- includes parts of 5 different weeks. The more blocks you have, the fewer
- lines there are available in each block.
- Question: Can Master Batch files use graphics and dates?
- Answer: A qualified yes. If you create them with a SEQuential file editor
- or word processor, they can, but if you use BatchMaker, they cannot. This
- was just to simplify coding and operation for users.
- Question: Can Informational files be grouped together in a single file?
- Answer: No! Informational files are pretty much one calendar block
- affairs. If they get too big to fit in a block, the remaining information
- in the file is read, and ignored. However, this wastes a little time. You
- will get "Block Full" messages from TotalRecall. That is why BatchMaker
- does what it can to limit how much you enter. Since this is a batch type
- operation, and multiple files can be accessed, there is no good way to
- prevent you from having too much information for a block, though.
- Question: Can I use more than one graphic in a block?
- Answer: A qualified yes! They cannot be side by side, but instead, for
- wide carriage printers, you can have a graphic at the top and bottom of the
- calendar block. It does involve a bit of trickery, and BatchMaker won't
- allow you to do it. You must use a word processor or SEQuential file editor
- to do this. Each graphic block is introduced in a file by the word
- "graphic" and closed by the phrase "graphic end". For the second graphic in
- a file block, instead of using "graphic", use the word "graphic+". For
- example:
- graphic
- money bag
- 00
- graphic end
- graphic+
- antique car
- 00
- graphic end
- would print 2 graphics in the same block. Money Bag would be in the top
- half of the block and Antique Car would be in the bottom (if there was still
- room in that block.)
- Question: How many graphics can I have on a calendar?
- Answer: You can have up to 19 unique 3 block graphics on a calendar and up
- to 35 2 block graphics on a calendar. You can have combinations of the two
- also. Notice I said "unique". You drastically skew that number if you use
- the same graphic more than once. If you do that, you could conceivably have
- one or two graphics in every block, depending on calendar size. For
- example, if you have five birthdays in a month, and used a graphic called
- "cake" or "present" for all of them, the buffer space taken by each one is
- considerably less than if you used a unique graphic for each one, and the
- technique is faster too. Practically, you have access to more than you will
- probably ever use. Most people don't have wide carriage printers, meaning
- most people are limited to probably 35 or 42 (one in each block) for months
- with that many blocks.
- Question: Do my date entries have to be in order?
- Answer: No! When editing a block for a month, enter them as you remember
- them. They will be in the correct block when TotalRecall accesses them.
- The months have to be in order. If you use BatchMaker, this is not a
- problem. It can only really come up if you use a word processor or
- SEQuential file editor to create your files.
- Question: What happens if my message is too wide for the calendar block?
- Answer: If you manage to get one in that is too long, the extra characters
- are simply truncated. That is the worst that can happen.
- Question: How can I add information to an existing file?
- Answer: Use the "Merge" option in BatchMaker (or a word processor). In
- BatchMaker, you will get a directory before you enter the file name. In
- this mode, you MUST enter a file exactly as it appears on the directory.
- You will not be allowed anywhere in BatchMaker to use pattern matching (*
- and ?) characters in filenames. The type of file, info or daily, will be
- automatically determined. From there, entry follows the procedures outlined
- in the Read It for BatchMaker. You can use the merge function to add more
- months to a file, before or after the starting month in a file. For
- example, if you create a file for February, you can later merge a file for
- January or March to it, or just add more information for February. When you
- merge files, you will be asked for a pattern before being asked for a
- filename. This just limits what you are shown in the way of a directory.
- When you choose a file to merge with, it must match exactly the name on the
- disk.
- Let's merge into the file Friday we created in our demonstration. From the
- "Merge..." file, type "y" for "yes" and press RETURN. At the next screen,
- for "Pattern", enter "F*" and press RETURN. You will see in the directory
- the file Friday, which we just created. So, for the filename to merge into,
- type Friday and press RETURN. It must be typed EXACTLY as it appears in the
- directory. The message you will see says:
- Friday will be recreated/expanded on drive 8
- (or whatever your destination drive is).
- Next you will have the choices of "Printer" and "Exit". Enter "p" to toggle
- the printer "On", and then, press "e" to "Exit". Those are the only choices
- at THIS menu, and the only exit is by pressing 'e'.
- Next, you will see "Removing Friday from drive <source #>", then "Beginning
- Merge...", and then "Processing Info/start load Informational". The wording
- on these lines may be a little different for you. They are all only
- informational!
- Now we are back at the familiar "Text", "Graphic", "Exit" screen. Press "t"
- for "Text". We are going to add, at respective prompts, 1 line, 3
- characters high, 2 characters wide. When asked for the text for line 1,
- type in "The Weekend", and press RETURN. Verify that it is correct, then
- press "e" at the "Text", "Graphic", "Exit" screen. Verify this choice, and
- you will see 'Completing Merge' on screen. Shortly after that you will
- again see the 'Merge...' screen. Check your printer to see that the new
- line is added to the Friday file. That is the procedure for merging into an
- existing file using BatchMaker.
- Question: Will there be updates?
- Answer: MAYBE for TotalRecall. I don't think I'll update BatchMaker,
- unless someone comes up with an idea I find really intriguing (or someone
- does the update). They are pretty generic in function, and that is
- intentional.
- egb
- **** RETURN - Menu ****